Mike Smith weighs in on a complex trademark battle between LeBron James and a Maryland-based nonprofit in Bloomberg Law

BSKB’s Michael Smith weighs in on a complex trademark battle between LeBron James and a Maryland-based nonprofit. Read below or click the link to read more about this case. https://lnkd.in/e3XYVdt

"Game Plan has to walk a fine line on consumer confusion in the multifaceted case, trademark attorney Mike Smith of Birch Stewart Kolasch & Birch LLP said. It wants to argue consumers wouldn’t confuse its mark’s services with the 2013 mark to duck the priority argument, but also that consumers would confuse Game Plan’s mark with Uninterrupted’s, to win its infringement claim, Smith said."

To contact the reporter on this story: Kyle Jahner in Washington at kjahner@bloomberglaw.com

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Roger Yu at ryu@bloomberglaw.com; Cheryl Saenz at csaenz@bloombergtax.com. To read more articles log in. To learn more about a subscription click here.

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